News Archive 2021 - 2023
(please see news page for current news)

ESRA bring Santa to Dornoch Square - December 2023
On Friday 15 December Vice Lord-Lieutenant Kim Tulloch was delighted to join many folk in greeting Santa as he arrived in Dornoch Square courtesy of East Sutherland Rescue Association and their new lifeboat Wildland.
ESRA served mulled wine and soft drinks and the children's choir sang carols.

Bradbury Centre Christmas lunch - December 2023
The Lord-Lieutenant was kindly invited to the Bradbury Centre Christmas Lunch in Bonar Bridge. As always the event was a huge success and brilliantly arranged by Lorraine Askew, Lippy Ross and all the Bradbury staff and volunteers.
The Port Ceilidh Band from Portmahomack played during the event to much deserved applause.

Westminster Carol Service - December 2023
On Friday 8 December, members of the Royal Family attended a carol service at Westminster Abbey to thank all those who work to support babies, young children and families. HRH the Princess of Wales supports a number of charitable causes and organisations centred around providing children with the best possible start in life.
The Lieutenancy team were delighted that representatives of the Sutherland community were able to attend the service. Two attendees were nominated by the Lieutenancy in acknowledgement of their efforts in taking aid to mothers, children and babies in Ukraine; two further attendees were nominated for their support for children in Sutherland.

Bonar Bridge 50th anniversary - November 2023
It was a real privilege for the Lord-Lieutenant to be invited to judge the Christmas tractors at the celebration to mark the 50th anniversary of the opening of the bridge at Bonar Bridge. The whole event was both thoughtfully and brilliantly organised by a team of volunteers from the community - as so many of the very best things are. The winning tractor was from Culrain (Robert and Ann Henderson) who braved the -7° temperatures to ride in their metal bucket which surely deserved the medal.
Public thanks to the very special team of organisers: Hayley Bangs, Robert Sawyer, Caroline Munro, Callum Smart, Donald Mackenzie, Grant Matthews, Nene Maclean and Christine Ross - and to the many marshals and helpers who looked after us on the night too.

Visit to Kyle of Sutherland Hub - November 2023
The Lord-Lieutenant visited the Kyle of Sutherland Hub where he was kindly guided around this busy, lively and fun initiative by the Chair of Directors, Ms Hayley Bangs, and Ms Carol Shaw, the manager (pictured with Major General Marriott). After the visit the Lord-Lieutenant commented:
“It’s a model of a community-led initiative, a very special place. The breadth and depth of its success is self-evident. That triumph is created partly by the leadership of its Board of Directors (who not only properly represent those they serve but are an intrinsic part of it), and partly by its very special, dedicated, thoughtful and hard-working staff. The Board and staff have so obviously listened to what local folk want, not what they think they ought to want - that difference is crucial. It’s an exemplar. I wanted to understand it better, to understand the issues, the worries and concerns. To be able to thank the team there was a privilege - and great fun”.

Sutherland Remembers - November 2023
Members of the Lieutenancy team attended many of the services that were held at war memorials throughout Sutherland in order that those who gave their lives in conflict and in the service of their country might be remembered.
Photos (top to bottom, left to right) - Brora Remembrance parade attended by Dawn McKenzie DL (pictured with Mr Syd Bright of the Brora branch of Legion Scotland), Ardgay war memorial attended by Christine Mackay DL, Bonar Bridge war memorial attended by Christine Mackay DL, Dornoch Remembrance parade attended by Vice Lord-Lieutenant Kim Tulloch, Edderton Primary School's service at the war memorial attended by Christine Mackay DL, Helmsdale Remembrance parade attended by Catriona Whitfield DL, Lochinver Remembrance service attended by retiring DL David Grant, Catriona Whitfield DL attended the Loth Remembrance service, Lt Col Colin Gilmour retired DL attended the Rosehall Remembrance service, Frances Gunn DL attended the Tongue Remembrance service.Golspie Remembrance parade attended by Lord-Lieutenant Major General Patrick Marriott, and attendees at the Lairg war memorial attended by Sheila Stewart DL.
In addition Christine Mackay DL attended Gledfield Primary School's Remembrance service and Neil MacDonald DL attended the Scourie Remembrance service.

Dornoch Firth Campus Act of Remembrance - November 2023
On Friday 10 November Vice Lord-Lieutenant Kim Tulloch was privileged to be invited to the Dornoch Firth Campus Act of Remembrance and felt that it was one of the most moving services she has ever attended. The service was held in Dornoch Cathedral and was organised by the pupils from Dornoch Academy, Dornoch Primary School and Bonar Bridge Primary School.
The pupils did a huge amount of research into the names on the war memorial and had obtained photographs of some of those whose names appear on the memorial. These were projected onto a screen during the service allowing those attending to relate to the young people from the area who served and who lost their lives. Head Teacher Norman Ross supervised the service and Dornoch Academy French teacher, Danny Parkin from Brora, was the piper. A wreath was laid both in the Cathedral and afterwards at the war memorial.

Dornoch Tree Planting - November 2023
A tree to commemorate the Coronation of King Charles III and Queen Camilla was planted in Dornoch and formally presented to Ms Catherine Macangus, the new Provost of Dornoch (and Chair of the Dornoch Community Council) by the Lord-Lieutenant. Around 200 pupils from Dornoch Academy and Primary School attended, singing a song to mark the moment. They also buried “goodwill messages” at the foot of the tree, linking them to the planting in years to come.
Both the Lord-Lieutenant and Provost spoke to thank everyone for attending, especially the pupils, and for those who had helped with both the tree and the plinth, which is placed beside the tree. The costs of the plinth were kindly covered by Skibo Castle. The event was organised by the Vice Lord-Lieutenant, Mrs Kim Tulloch who is also a resident of Dornoch. The tree is a flowering cherry (Fragrant Cloud).

Helmsdale war memorial visit - November 2023
The Lord-Lieutenant and one of his deputies, Catriona Whitfield, visited the Kildonan Parish war memorial at Helmsdale and met the chair of Helmsdale branch of the RBLS, Mike Ellis. Mr Ellis briefed General Marriott on the history of the war memorial (the 100th anniversary of the dedication of the memorial will be next year), it's restoration in 2018, and also explained the story behind the crosses that have been set out each year since 2014 at the war memorials in Helmsdale and Loth.
Many of those named on the memorials are buried away from the area, the crosses were made by the Helmsdale Woodlanders to give a physical focus for those who died. A cross was made for each person named on the memorials, as well as a cross marked for those 'Known unto God'. The original poppies on the crosses were made by the children of Helmsdale Primary School. The crosses go out each year at the start of November and remain at the memorials until the end of the month.

100th birthday celebration - October 2023
Margaret Haslam celebrated her 100th birthday today at the Bradbury Centre. The youngest of 11 children, she was born in Wrexham in Wales on 27 October 1923 before moving to Nottinghamshire when she was 8. After 88 years, she moved to Sutherland to be with her son, Simon Haslam. She jokes that she has lived in “Wales, England and Scotland”. The Lord-Lieutenant presented her with a birthday card from The King and Queen and he helped Margaret cut her birthday cake with his sword. The party was a huge success and much enjoyed - special plaudits as always to Ms’ Lorraine Askew, Lippy Ross and the team at The Bradbury Centre.
The Bradbury Centre continues to rely on fund-raising and donations: https://bradburycentre.co.uk

Culrain School reunion - October 2023
Deputy Lieutenant Christine Mackay was invited to attend the recent reunion of former Culrain School pupils as guest speaker and she also said grace and gave the vote of thanks.
Former Geldfield teacher Mary Campbell, who lives just outside Culrain, decided to arrange a reunion of pupils who had attended Culrain School prior to its closure around 30 years ago. The reunion took place over afternoon tea at Nanny's tea room, thereafter those attending had their photo taken in front of the old school. The afternoon was a great success, with some guests not having seen each other for around 60 years.

Retirement of Deputy Lieutenant David Grant - September 2023
A specially commissioned silver kilt pin was presented to Deputy Lieutenant David Grant of Lochinver to mark his retirement from the Lieutenancy after 24 years. Flowers were also presented to David's wife, Norah, to thank her for the support that she has given to David's appointment over the years. Members of the Lieutenancy team, past and present, gathered for lunch to thank David for his service.
David was brought up in Achfary from birth to age 11, then educated at Golspie High School. He graduated from the Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art, Dundee where he also spent his post graduate year before spending three years at the Royal College of Art, London, specialist subject Ceramics. David founded Highland Stoneware Ltd in 1974, successfully making Creative Pottery in Lochinver and Ullapool and employing 25-30 people for each of the years since then.

Kyle of Sutherland Development Trust Learning Shelter - September 2023
Deputy Lieutenant Christine Mackay had the pleasure of cutting the ribbon to open the Kyle of Sutherland Development Trust's new Learning Shelter (behind the Community Polytunnel) during the "Big Picnic" plants and seed swap in Drover's Square. the Big Picnic was an opportunity for the community to explore the new space, enjoy some food, spend some time in the polytunnel, chat to others and swap plants/seeds.
This event was part of the Highlands and Islands Climate Festival funded by the Highlands & Islands Climate Hub.

HMS Sutherland Liaison Officer - September 2023
The Lord-Lieutenant has invited Mr Ewan Mackay, Treasurer of the Sutherland Branch of the Royal Naval Association, to be the new “liaison officer” with HMS Sutherland. HMS Sutherland is due to complete a refit next year and Mr Mackay’s appointment will renew the traditional links the county and the ship. Mr Mackay joined the RN as a Marine Engineering Artificer at the age of 17, and went on to have a 20 year career which included 5 promotions, service in 9 different ships, 8 Operational deployments and visits to 42 different countries. Mr Mackay said, “I was lucky enough to serve with some fantastic people, and if I could do it all again I absolutely would. I grew up in Golspie, but was made in the Royal Navy.”
The Sutherland Branch of the Royal Naval Association meets at Golspie Heritage at 7-30pm on the second Wednesday of the month. New members are always welcome.

Visit to the Dornoch Firth Men's Shed - September 2023
The Lord-Lieutenant has recently visited the Dornoch Firth Group’s Men's Shed. The Shed provides a harbour for folk who may be retired or in part time work, those recovering from illness, or those who just want to get out of the house and need more than a walk on their own. The Shed, which serves all of East Sutherland is an especially welcome place. It is a proper haven for those living alone too. Company is a great healer.
There are no fees, no obligations. Transport can often be found to help those who find travel difficult. Someone will be at the Shed to welcome new visitors between 10:30 and 12:00 every Thursday morning. If you want to enquire either for yourself or someone you might know who could benefit from a visit to the Shed, please email charles@dfgcommunity.com or call / text 07533 518 399.

80th anniversary of the midget submarine attack on the Tirpitz - September 2023
A Service to mark the 80th anniversary of the attack on the German battleship Tirpitz on 22 September 1943 by midget submarines of the XII Submarine Flotilla was held at the Flotilla Memorial at Kylesku. It was attended by the Lord-Lieutenant, Royal Navy service personnel from Faslane and by members of the Sutherland Branch of the Royal Naval Association, the Scottish and West of Scotland Submariners’ Association, “We Remember Submariners” and the RN Submarine Association - together with relatives and friends of those who took part, and others from across the county.
The event was arranged by the Sutherland Lieutenancy with many thanks to Reay Forest Estate, Piper Andrew Barnes, Jonathan Brett-Young, Cdr Tim Honnor RN (Retd), the Reverend Canon Laurence Gunner RNVR and many others who helped with the event.

Commemoration of 250th anniversary of the 'Nancy' - September 2023
250 years after the brig 'Nancy' set sail from Dornoch carrying 280 emigrants bound for North America, a commemoration was held on Dornoch beach to mark the death of over 80 of those on board during the passage to New York, including 6 of 7 mothers who gave birth aboard and all their new borns. The deaths were caused by a combination of disease, starvation and injury; attributable to insufficient food, bad weather and the brutality of the captain and crew. (Photograph credit: Ashley Rose)
The Provost of Dornoch, Paddy Murray, introduced Professor David Bell who told the story of those who sailed on the Nancy, Rev Graeme Muckart led the service of commemoration, Kaya Mackay recited a Gaelic poem and sang Fear a Bhata, and Pipe Major Willie Fraser piped beautifully throughout the service. Deputy Lieutenant Catriona Whitfield handed over a sheaf of flowers, grown in Sutherland, to the ESRA lifeboat crew who went out into the Dornoch Firth to lay the flowers in memory of those who died.

Sutherland Honours and Awards Board - September 2023
Honours and awards are awarded to recognise and reward those who have made special contributions to society, or for extraordinary achievements. In Sutherland we are proud to be able to celebrate many who have given so much to our communities. A new Sutherland Honours and Awards Board has been created seeking “to improve the likelihood of honours and awards for the people of Sutherland in order to reflect better their contribution to our communities”. Nominations go to a national committee for a decision.
The Board aims to help anyone who wants to put forward names for recognition. Board members will be able to advise discreetly on the process, help with compilation of citations and generally ease the making of a nomination. The Board is keen to hear from anyone who knows of individuals in Sutherland who might merit recognition. The board can be contacted by email at sutherlandlieutenancy@gmail.com.

Coronation Art Competition overall winner - August 2023
Leo Lannon, a pupil at Golspie Primary School, was the overall winner of the Sutherland Primary Schools’ Coronation Art Competition held in May.
A copy of his winning entry was seen by the King who wrote to the Lord-Lieutenant with directions that His “congratulations and warmest wishes” be conveyed to Leo. The Lord-Lieutenant, having passed this on to Leo, gave him the original letter from the King’s Private Secretary in Golspie.

25th anniversary of the Bradbury Centre - August 2023
The Bradbury Centre at Bonar Bridge celebrated its 25th anniversary on 23 August, and hosted a celebratory lunch. The Lord-Lieutenant attended and thanked first, all those who had so tirelessly (and with such vision) to set up the centre in 1998; second, he thanked all those who have worked, and continue to work there; third, he thanked in advance all those whom he knows will strive to continue the good work there in the future.
The lunch was a huge success and much enjoyed - a special tribute to Lorraine Askew and Elizabeth Ross who have worked there since the centre began. The Bradbury Centre continues to rely on fund-raising and donations and all donations are welcome - www.bradburycentre.co.uk
Photo: L-L with the staff, to his right Elizabeth Ross and to his left Lorraine Askew.

Naming of the new ESRA lifeboat - August 2023
The new East Sutherland Rescue Association (ESRA) lifeboat was named on Sunday 20 August at a ceremony in Dornoch. The “Wildland” is a whole new capability for ESRA and, together with considerable ancillary equipment, has been generously funded by Anders Povlson.
The boat was named by Kim Tulloch DL with the Lord-Lieutenant in attendance. Prayers were led by the Revd John Chambers OBE who chairs the Friends of ESRA. A blessing was conducted by the Revd Simon Scott with the help of local children who anointed both boat and crew, Mr Michael Fraser piped Highland Cathedral. The Lord-Lieutenant thanked Neil Dalton and his team for the successful ceremony. He then spoke of Sir Francis Drake’s prayer which reminds us that “….in any great venture….it is not the beginning but the continuing to the end which yields the true glory” and highlighted the vital need for support for ESRA both financially and in finding volunteers to crew and support the boat. www.esra.uk

Inauguration of the Chief of Clan Mackay - August 2023
The Lord-Lieutenant attended the inauguration of Aeneas Mackay, the Lord Reay, as Chief of Clan Mackay at Farr on 23 August. The ceremony took place in rain, sun and a strong winds and was attended by around 150 people from across Sutherland and well beyond. Internationally, Mackays from the USA, Australia, Canada, the Netherlands and Germany and many other countries were present.
The Lord-Lieutenant read the original letters patent which raised the first Chief, Sir Donald Mackay, to the Peerage in 1628 during the reign of Charles I. Christopher Mackie presided at the event which was arranged by the Clan Mackay Society and in particular, Sandra and Lisa Mackay. The Benediction was delivered by the Rev Mary Stobo and Jennifer Port played the clarsach.

Sue Jane Taylor presented with Honorary Fellowship of UHI - July 2023
The Lord-Lieutenant recently made a presentation, on behalf of the Princess Royal, of an Honorary Fellowship of the University of the Highlands & Islands (UHI) to artist Sue Jane Taylor (pictured with the Lord-Lieutenant and Professor David Worthington, Centre for Highland History, UHI). The Fellowship is recognition of an artist whose contribution - locally, nationally, internationally, and to UHI - is helping ensure the transformative impact on our region that UHI is committed to.
Sue Jane Taylor grew up on the Black Isle, and studied at Gray’s School of Art, the Slade School of Fine Art and the Konst Academie, Stockholm. She is renowned for her work documenting the North Sea energy industry and continues to capture its transition towards decommissioning and renewables. Her work raises questions about the relationship between art, environment and industry; developing ideas about labour, industry and their place in the natural world. Sue Jane Taylor's work currently forms part of a group exhibition 'Beatrice: Transition Under Petrocapitalism' at Timespan in Helmsdale.

Durness Highland Gathering - July 2023
The four annual Highland Games in Sutherland began with the Durness Highland Gathering. As always it was a welcoming, generous and lively event - and, quite rightly, attracted a big crowd. These events take months of thought, preparation, hard work and time, and the Lieutenancy would like to thank the President, Mr David Morrison; Chairman, Mr Alastair Morrison and all committee members for such a successful event enjoyed by so many - Scottish Highland hospitality and kindness at its best.
Congratulations to the Rev Andrea Boyce for being this year’s Chieftain - richly deserved. Frances Gunn DL as an ex-Chieftain herself, took part and kindly welcomed the Lord-Lieutenant as well as Christine Mackay DL from Ardgay. Dates for the next three Highland Games in Sutherland: Dornoch - 4 August; Assynt - 11 August; Helmsdale - 19 August.

National Service of Thanksgiving and Dedication - July 2023
The Lord-Lieutenant attended the National Service of Thanksgiving and Dedication that was held on Tuesday 5 July at St Giles’ Cathedral in Edinburgh. The service saw the presentation of the Honours of Scotland to King Charles III.
“It was a very Scottish ceremony in every way. There was a sense of history everywhere: the Honours were used as coronation regalia for Mary, Queen of Scots, James VI, Charles I and Charles III. The music was superb with pieces by Peter Maxwell Davies, Jay Capperauld and Dougie MacLean amongst other Scottish composers. Robert Lovie and Joy Dunlop sang perfectly. It was a privilege to be there in every way.”

Palace of Holyrood Garden Party - July 2023
On the day before the National Service of Thanksgiving and Dedication, His Majesty held the first Palace of Holyrood Garden Party of his reign. The themes which the palace sought to promote were youth, community, diversity and sustainability.
There were many guests from across Sutherland nominated for the work that they have done in support of their communities. Amongst those attending were two of the the Lieutenancy teams' newer Deputy Lieutenants Christine Mackay and Dawn McKenzie - undaunted by the somewhat unseasonal weather.

Armed Forces Day - June 2023
Veterans, reservists, members of the Lieutenancy team, family, friends and members of the community from across the County gathered in Golspie on Saturday 24 June to mark Armed Forces Day 2023. It was a delight to hear the Sutherland Schools Pipe Band, supported by members of the Sutherland Caledonian Pipe Band, playing at Armed Forces Day once more.
The day was marked as follows:
Until 1100 - Pipe bands playing, thereafter:
- welcome by President RBLS Golspie, Major Alisdair Miller
- Drum roll from SSPB and flag raised – by John Morgan of RBLS Assynt, followed by the pipe bands playing a set
- Short address by the Lord-Lieutenant, Major General Patrick Marriott, mentioning the work of SSAFA of which he is the Sutherland President
- Jonathan Brett Young told the story of 1943 Dambusters’ Raid and its connection to Sutherland due to Squadron Leader Henry Maudslay who was from Shinness and who was killed during the raid.
- Presentations by the Lord-Lieutenant with citations read by Vice Lord-Lieutenant Kim Tulloch. Veteran’s medals were awarded to Jane Mackay (Army, latterly Adjutant General’s Corps) and Archie Macdonald (Royal Air Force). Deputy Lieutenant’s commission presented to Neil MacDonald of Scourie.
- Concluding remarks by President RBLS Golspie Major Alisdair Miller
- pipe bands played a final set as attendees disbursed for a light lunch.
Many thanks to RBLS - Golspie Branch and to Kenny McAulay in particular for the arrangements. Thanks also to Sutherland Schools Pipe Band, Sutherland Caledonian Pipe Band, the team at The Stag's Head Hotel, Golspie for their kind hospitality and Kerry Hawthorne from @nannystearooms for the beautiful cakes. Thanks as well to Friends of Sutherland Veterans and the Co-op for funding to assist with the refreshments.
Note on the Dambusters’ Raid:
2023 being the 80th anniversary of the Dambusters’ Raid on 16/17 May 1943 by 617 Squadron RAF Bomber Command, the ceremony reflected upon that event. Sutherland has a strong connection with the raid through the Maudslay family who owned the West Shinness Estate at the time. Squadron Leader Henry Maudslay DFC was killed on the raid. After the flag-raising ceremony memorabilia from the Maudslay family was on display at The Stag’s Head Hotel.

Coronation Art Competition awards at Brora Primary School - June 2023
Deputy Lieutenant Dawn McKenzie returned to Brora Primary School to present the Coronation Art Competition certificates. Congratulations to Isla MacNicol and Evan Roney who are in the picture with Dawn; also congratulations to the Nursery winner who is not pictured.
All 16 Sutherland Primary Schools took part in the competition and standards were high. Over 600 children took part. Full results are on the Coronation page of our website and on the FB post of 5 May.

SSAFA receive donation from St Finbarr's Church Charity Shop - June 2023
St Finbarr’s Church Charity Shop in Dornoch recently presented a cheque for £1,000 to the Soldiers, Sailors and Air Forces Association (SSAFA) of which the Lord-Lieutenant is the Sutherland Branch President. The cheque was handed over to the Lord-Lieutenant by Ms Caroline Barnes whose work, along with her remarkable team of volunteers, has been extraordinary and ongoing for many years. Sums collected at the shop are dispersed to a number of local and national charities.
Photo (from L to R): Commander William Sutherland RN (Retd), Chairman SSAFA Sutherland Branch; Ms Caroline Barnes; the Lord-Lieutenant.

Coronation Art Competition awards at Melvich Primary School - June 2023
Deputy Lieutenant Frances Gunn visited Melvich Primary School, during their assembly, to present the Coronation Art Competition certificates to pupils.
Our congratulations to Ella Will and Benny Mackinnon.
All 16 Sutherland Primary Schools took part in the competition and standards were high. Over 600 children took part. Full results are on the Coronation page of our website and on the FB post of 5 May.

Coronation Art Competition awards for Edderton and Gledfield Primary Schools - June 2023
Deputy Lieutenant Christine Mackay visited Gledfield Primary School last week to present the Coronation Art Competition certificates to both Gledfield and Edderton Primary pupils.
Edderton Primary winning picture certificates awarded to: Rebecca Taylor P2 and Finlay McMeekan P5; and those receiving a Head Teacher's Special Award: Jonathan Leighton P1, Harley Chapman-Kelly P1, Charlie McMeekan P1, Logan Urquhart P5, Innes Mchardy P5 and Reuban Urquhart P7.
Gledfield Primary winning picture certificates awarded to: Lilly-Rose Shaw P1 and Annabella Macrae P5; and Head Teacher's Special Awards to: Vinnie Wood P4, Amber Morrish P5, Hannah Mentin P5, Grace Barnett P6, Rebekah Lall P7, and Magnus Macrae P7.
All 16 Sutherland Primary Schools took part in the competition and standards were high. Over 600 children took part. Full results are on the Coronation page of our website and on the FB post of 5 May.

King's Birthday Honours - June 2023
In recognition of her services to Nursing in Rural Scotland, Cathy Shaw, who lives in East Sutherland has been awarded an MBE (Member of the Order of the British Empire) in the first Birthday Honours List of King Charles III's reign.
Ms Shaw is a Lead Advanced Nurse Practitioner for NHS Highland, and is the lead advanced practitioner for the Remote and Rural Support Team (West) and the Hospital at Home Team Skye.

Coronation Art Competition awards at Bonar Bridge Primary - June 2023
Deputy Lieutenant Christine Mackay visited Bonar Bridge Primary School to present the Coronation Art Competition certificates. After the presentation she was delighted to be invited to stay and watch the video of their school trip to Dunrobin Castle by train from Ardgay. Congratulations to the winners: Peggy Murray (Nursery), Cora Mackenzie (P2) and Eyra Williams (P4). Also congratulations to those receiving a Head Teacher's Special Award: Torben Manners-Debusschere (Nursery), Skyler Saldias (P2), Cara Colquhoun (P3), Ruby Stevenson (P4), Octavia Wells (P6), Molly Mclauchlan (P6).

Coronation Art Competition awards at Tongue Primary - June 2023
Last week the Lord-Lieutenant Patrick Marriott and Deputy Lieutenant Frances Gunn visited Tongue Primary as part of the series of award presentations following the Sutherland Primary Schools Coronation Art Competition. Congratulations to Tongue prize winners Olivia Findlay and Paige Jones.
All 16 Sutherland Primary Schools took part in the competition and standards were high. Over 600 children took part. Full results are on the Coronation page of our website and on the FB post of 5 May.

Coronation Art Competitions awards - Scourie, Durness and Kinlochbervie Primary Schools - June 2023
The Lord-Lieutenant visited Kinlochbervie High School on the last day of term to present awards to pupils from Scourie, Durness and Kinlochbervie Primary Schools for the recent Coronation Art Competition and to say farewell to the long-standing headteacher of Kinlochbervie High School, Mr Graeme Smart. Mr Smart organised the Sutherland Coast to Coast Schools’ walk in 2017 with the Lord-Lieutenant.
To mark his departure Mr Graeme Smart fired the Lord-Lieutenant’s canon in front of a large crowd of staff and pupils.
Our congratulations and thanks to all all those who entered the competition, and to the teaching staff who supported them. All 16 Sutherland Primary Schools took part in the competition and standards were high. Over 600 children took part. Full results are on the Coronation page of our website and on the FB post of 5 May.

Coronation Art Competitions awards Dornoch and Rogart primaries - June 2023
Vice Lord-Lieutenant Kim Tulloch visited Dornoch and Rogart Primary Schools during the last week of term to award the certificates for the Coronation Art Competition, together with the certificates from the Lord Lyon King of Arms to all participating schools.
Top photo - Dornoch Primary - congratulations to Olli Whiteman (Nursery), Henry MacCarthy (P1-3), Maisie Levens (P4-7) and also to those receiving Head Teacher's special awards: Ben Cowie, Sophie Bennie, Faith Heneghan, Harry Fleming, Molly Lewis, Mikaela Jensen and Rebecca Connell (not all present).
Bottom photo - Rogart Primary's Ennis Walker receiving his certificate.
Our congratulations to all all those who entered the competition, and the teaching staff who supported them. All 16 Sutherland Primary Schools took part in the competition and standards were high. Over 600 children took part. Full results are on the Coronation page of our website and on the FB post of 5 May.

End of Term Assembly at Helmsdale Primary - June 2023
Deputy Lieutenant Catriona Whitfield visited Helmsdale Primary School for their end of term assembly to award certificates to the pupils who made the winning entries in the art competition, to award the Head Teacher's special awards and to hand over the Lord Lyon King of Arms' certificate to Helmsdale's Head Teacher Shelly Taylor.
Congratulations to Ruaridh Revie (Nursery), Elspeth Jappy (P1-3) and Emily Harris (P4-7) and also to those receiving HT special awards: Ruaridh Revie, Isaac Roberts, Bethany Taylor and Lexi Tricker.
The end of term assembly included wishing good luck to the Primary 7s who will be moving on to Golspie High School after the summer break and also a very fond farewell to Moira Mackay who was retiring after working for many years across a number of East Sutherland schools as a PSA, latterly at Helmsdale Primary School.
Our thanks to everyone who entered the competition and to those who supported them.
All 16 Sutherland Primary Schools took part in the competition and standards were high. Over 600 children took part. Full results are on the Coronation page of our website and on the FB post of 5 May.

Coronation Art Competition awards for Rosehall and Lairg Primary Schools - June 2023
Deputy Lieutenant Sheila Stewart visited Rosehall and Lairg Primary Schools during their end of term assemblies to award the certificates for the Coronation Art Competition, together with the certificate from the Lord Lyon King of Arms to both schools.
Top photo - Rosehall Primary winners and recipients of the Head Teacher's special awards.
Bottom photo - Lairg Primary winners and recipients of the Head Teacher's special awards.
Our congratulations to all all those who entered the competition.
All 16 Sutherland Primary Schools took part in the competition and standards were high. Over 600 children took part. Full results are on the Coronation page of our website and on the FB post of 5 May.

Coronation Art Competition awards Lochinver Primary School - June 2023
Deputy Lieutenant David Grant visited Lochinver Primary as part of the series of award presentations following the Sutherland Primary Schools Coronation Art Competition. A certificate from the Lord Lyon King of Arms (presented to all participating primary schools) was presented to teacher Colin Masterson. Our congratulations to those receiving certificates at Lochinver Primary.
All 16 Sutherland Primary Schools took part in the competition and standards were high. Over 600 children took part. Full results are on the Coronation page of our website and on the FB post of 5 May.

Melness Coastguard - June 2023
The Lord-Lieutenant recently met members of Melness Coastguard at Tongue Primary School where they were teaching pupils about their role, first aid and much more. The Lord-Lieutenant thanked the team for their work and plans to visit the team more properly in due course. Coastguard Teams deserve huge recognition - especially in the summer season when they are at their busiest. (Photo L to R: Neil Uprichard, Lord-Lieutenant, Emily Allsop).
The Coastguard saves lives 24 hours a day on the coast and at sea, working closely with the RNLI. They provide a superb search and rescue emergency coordination and response service. In Sutherland they often support other organisations such as local police and Mountain Rescue Teams. The Melness team cover an area from Lochinver in the south west to the edge of Caithness in the north east. The length of Highland Region coastline (of which Sutherland forms a major part) including islands at low water is 4,905 kilometres, 21% of the Scottish total, (excluding islands is 1,900 kilometres - 49% of Scotland).

Coronation Art Competition awards at Golspie Primary - June 2023
The first of a series of award presentations following the Sutherland Primary Schools Coronation Art Competition was made by the Lord-Lieutenant at Golspie Primary School.
Photo: L to R: Leo Lannon (winner of the P4-7 class in Golspie PS), the Lord-Lieutenant, Summer Bradley-Rice (winner of the P1-3 class in Golspie PS). Alba Sutherland (winner of the nursery class in Golspie nursery) was absent and will have her award presented separately.
All 16 Sutherland Primary Schools took part in the competition and standards were high. Over 600 children took part. Full results are on the Coronation page, and also on our FB post of 5 May.

Carbisdale visit - May 2023
The Lord-Lieutenant Major General Patrick Marriott visited Carbisdale Castle at the kind invitation of the owner, Samantha Kane, who is in the process of having the castle restored. The project is of huge importance to the local community who had also been invited both to see the work and for a belated celebratory Coronation tea. The Lord-Lieutenant spoke publicly to thank Samantha Kane not only for her “dedication and passion in her work here but also for her very genuine desire to help the many for whom the project will deliver both opportunity and livelihood”.
The Lord-Lieutenant and guests were treated not only to an amazing tea but also the superb piping of Andrew Innes of Helmsdale (pictured with the Lord-Lieutenant).

Culrain Garden Fete - May 2023
A beautiful, and successful, day for the Culrain and District Hall Committee's garden fete to raise funds towards hall renovations.
There were plants for sale, teas, baking, a scavenger hunt, raffle and a competition for the best garden hat, judged by Deputy Lieutenant Christine Mackay (won by Sue Tomlinson, pictured with Christine).

The Coronation of King Charles III and Queen Camilla - May 2023
The Lord-Lieutenant had the honour to be invited to the Coronation.
“By now most will have seen the Coronation and witnessed its series of rituals, the sublime music, and the over-arching focus on Service. It was an extraordinary event where every part meant something to someone somewhere. Whilst undeniably a Christian service, it’s moral underpinning and rightness were common to all Faiths. It was a perfect example where the pursuit of unity and the desire to include triumphed absolutely.”
A copy of the order of service for the Coronation can be viewed and downloaded at:

Coronation events in Sutherland - May 2023
Many events took place across the County over the Coronation long weekend, Big Lunches, picnics, ceilidhs, barbeques, fundraisers and all involved significant amounts of volunteering.
Images of the events that have taken place are on the Coronation page of the website.
Huge thanks to those who organised, volunteered, donated, attended or otherwise supported the wide variety of events across the County.
The image shows the Lord-Lieutenant cutting the Coronation cake at the Brora Community Picnic.

Primary School Coronation Art Competition - May 2023
Every Primary School in Sutherland took part in the Coronation Art Competition, as well as one clustered school from Ross-shire, and the whole Lieutenancy would like to thank the many teachers who encouraged and guided so many children during the competition - and for the extraordinarily kind welcomes they received at every school they visited. The response was incredible with over 660 entries and the quality of entries and breadth of imagination was very impressive. The P1-3 winners are shown left, full results on the Coronation page.
Awards are being made for each competing school and the awards will be presented by the Lord-Lieutenant or one of the Deputy Lieutenants during visits to schools from the end of May and into June.

Coronation tubs for Tongue, Melness and Skerray - May 2023
Deputy Lieutenant Frances Gunn visited Tongue Primary School to help them plant up their decorated coronation flower tubs with blue, white and red pansies provided by Tongue, Melness and Skerray Community Council.
The picture shows the children with the tub at the school, other tubs have been planted for Skerray and Melness.

Bradbury Centre visit - May 2023
Deputy Lieutenant Christine Mackay visited the Bradbury centre to see what the clients have been doing and have a wee blether; she dropped off some hats for their sales table and artificial flowers for a new project they are about to start. As ever, it was a joy to see the clients and staff having such fun. The clients have been busy making decorations for their Coronation Celebrations this week and the picture shows the Coronation Tree with four of the centre's clients.
The Bradbury Centre is a purpose built centre for the over 60’s and those with special needs. Based in Bonar Bridge, it is a Health and Well-being Centre covering East Sutherland, Tain, Dornoch and surrounding areas, providing activities that help people maintain their physical and mental health. Further information is available on their website - https://bradburycentre.co.uk/

Tree planting at Assynt Mountain Rescue Team - April 2023
On Saturday 29 April Sutherland’s Queen’s Green Canopy tree to commemorate the Platinum Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II was finally planted by members of the Assynt Mountain Rescue Team at Inchnadamph. The rowan tree was presented to the Assynt Mountain Rescue Team last year in recognition of the extraordinary service they provide to locals and visitors alike across Sutherland and Caithness.
Photo: Quinag and Loch Assynt provide a proper backdrop to members of the Assynt Mountain Rescue team, the Lord-Lieutenant and stalkers from the Vestey Estate at Inchnadamph.

Primary School Coronation Art Competition - April 2023
All the 600+ entries for the Sutherland Primary School Coronation Art Competition have been collected in by either the Lord-Lieutenant or his Deputy Lieutenants over the last 7-10 days. Every Primary School in Sutherland took part (16) and the whole Lieutenancy would like to thank the many teachers who encouraged and guided so many children during the competition - and for the extraordinarily kind welcomes they received at every school they visited.
Judging will take place on 26 April in Lairg with results being published in The Northern Times on 4/5 May. After the Coronation (late May-June) the Lord-Lieutenant and his Deputy Lieutenants will be visiting schools across Sutherland for award ceremonies. The image shows the Deputy Lieutenant David Grant collecting the entries from Lochinver Primary School.

Battle of Littleferry comemoration - April 2023
15 April was the anniversary of the Battle of Littleferry and a ceremony was held to remember the fallen from both sides who fought on 15 April 1746. Around 20 gathered at 11am at the memorial in bright sunshine. Both the Golspie Branch of the Legion Scotland and Mr Angus McCall were thanked publicly, the former for taking on the management of the annual ceremony in perpetuity and Mr Angus McCall, as land owner for his continuing support of the project. The ”ethos of the memorial” was read and a minute’s silence for reflection took place. Two wreaths were laid, one by the Lord-Lieutenant, Major General Patrick Marriott, and one, for both sides (The “Littleferry Wreath”) by Mr Alasdair Miller, the Chairman of the Golspie Branch of the Legion Scotland. The ceremony concluded with the playing of “The Battle of Littleferry”, composed last year by April Sutherland and played this year by Pipe Major Erin Monaghan.

Mrs Mary Morrison's 100th birthday - April 2023
On 14 April, Neil MacDonald, the newest Deputy Lieutenant to the Sutherland Lieutenancy, delivered a Celebratory Birthday Card from the King and Queen Consort to Mrs Mary Morrison. The “ceremony” took place in Kinlochbervie Community Hall where around 100 folk had gathered to congratulate Mary on her 100th birthday.
Congratulations and a very happy birthday to Mary, from the Lord-Lieutenant and all of the Sutherland Lieutenancy.

New Deputy Lieutenant Appointed - March 2023
On 24 March Neil MacDonald received his commission as a Deputy Lieutenant of the county of Sutherland. Neil works for Reay Estates and is well known to the west of Sutherland. He and his wife, Aileen, live in Scourie. Mr MacDonald brings a wealth of experience to the Lieutenancy and his appointment is hugely appreciated by the team. Neil is shown being congratulated on his appointment by Lord-Lieutenant Major General Patrick Marriott.
Neil joins the lieutenancy team of Lord-Lieutenant Patrick Marriott, Vice Lord-Lieutenant Kim Tulloch and Deputy Lieutenants David Grant, Frances Gunn, Christine Mackay, Dawn McKenzie, Sheila Stewart and Catriona Whitfield.

Dornoch Primary School visit - March 2023
Lord-Lieutenant Major General Patrick Marriott and Vice Lord-Lieutenant Kim Tulloch visited Dornoch Primary School on Friday 24 March to see the work that the children are starting for the Coronation Art Competition.
The Lieutenancy has created an art competition open to all Sutherland Primary Schools. The competition is split by age group and has a choice of 2 themes - the Crown in Scotland and the Natural Environment in Scotland. Details have been sent to all primary schools within Sutherland. Our neighbouring Lieutenancy in Ross and Cromarty is running a similar competition.

Citizenship Ceremony - March 2023
The Lord-Lieutenant Major-General Patrick Marriott attended the Citizenship Ceremony for Margaret Meek of Kinlochbervie who was accompanied at the ceremony by her husband Hector Murdo Mackay. The Lord-Lieutenant welcomed Mrs Meek as a new Citizen of the United Kingdom at the ceremony which was led and organised by Assistant Registrar Sara Krzyzanowski and attended by a number of Local Councillors at the Highland Council offices in Dingwall.
The citizenship ceremony involves making an oath, or affirmation, of allegiance and a pledge promising to respect the rights, freedoms and laws of the UK. At the end of the ceremony the new citizen receives their certificate of British citizenship and a welcome pack.

Schools art competition for Coronation - March 2023
To celebrate the Coronation of King Charles III and the Queen Consort, the Lieutenancy has created an art competition for Sutherland Primary Schools. Lord-Lieutenant Major General Marriott described it as a: “fun competition to mark a historic event through art and we would encourage all primary school age pupils in Sutherland to take part.” The contest is split into three age groups – nursery, primaries 1-3, and primaries 4-7 – with pupils given a choice of two themes – the Crown in Scotland and the natural environment in Sutherland. Entries should be on A4 paper and in any medium.
The competition runs until 21 April with awards for artwork being made to each competing school in Sutherland and then being presented by the Lord-Lieutenant or one of the Deputy Lieutenants during visits to schools in June.

Bonar Bridge Community Food Stop - March 2023
Lord-Lieutenant Major General Patrick Marriott and Deputy Lieutenant Christine Mackay helped out at the amazing Community Food Stop in Bonar Bridge. This excellent local initiative, like many others across Sutherland, is quietly working away delivering meals once a week. Importantly, it’s providing a focus for folk to gather, to catch up and to share their worries, news and hopes. The food stop is open every Monday between 1200 and 1400hrs.
All credit to the generous and kind team that give up their time to make it happen - and for being such fun hosts to everyone today - special people. Photo (From L to R: Beverly, Sarah, the Lord-Lieutenant (in gum boots), Gail, Doris, Mary and Christine (Deputy Lieutenant).

Earthquake appeal - February 2023
On Monday 27 February, the Lord-Lieutenant visited the Rotary Club of East Sutherland’s tent in Brora where Alistair Risk (and others) are camping out to raise funds for the ShelterBox emergency appeal to help those affected by the recent earthquakes in Turkey and Syria. The club’s aim is to raise a minimum of £5,000 before their tent comes down on 13 March.
Donations can be made through East Sutherland Rotary Club's JustGiving page.
Other links:

Creich War Memorial Centenary - February 2023
A service took place at Bonar Bridge on Thursday 23 February 2023 to mark the centenary of dedication of the Creich War Memorial. The standards of the local branch of Legion Scotland were borne by David Hannah and Rob Pope; piper Gillian Sutherland piped the welcome, a lament and Amazing Grace; the gathering prayer was said by Jeani Hunter; wreaths were laid on behalf of Creich CC by Keith Williams, who also read the names on the memorial, and on behalf of the Lieutenancy by Christine MacKay DL, who also read Binyon's words and the Kohima Epitaph. Following a dismissal prayer by Jeani Hunter, those present retired to the Bonar Bridge community hall for refreshments.
Videos of parts of the service are on Facebook and can be viewed through this link and this link. Photo credit: John Wood

New flagpole for Golspie Memorial Garden - February 2023
A second flagpole for the Golspie Memorial Garden was dedicated on Monday 13 February. The flag pole was kindly donated by the Countess of Sutherland who hoisted the Sutherland flag during the ceremony.
The flag was a gift to RBLS - Golspie Branch from the Lord-Lieutenant who is a member of the Branch. The flags in the garden are organised by RBLS Golspie Branch; the second pole will be used for special flags such as the county flag, Armed Forces Day flag and the like. The event (and the setting up of the flagpole) was brilliantly arranged by Mr David Hignett a Golspie RBLS branch member.

100th birthday of Eric Dawson, Dornoch - February 2023
Sunday 12 February saw the celebration of the 100th birthday of Eric Dawson at St Finbarr's Episcopal Church in Dornoch with a party after the Sunday morning service. Mr Dawson's son Barry had travelled to Dornoch to help celebrate his father's birthday, which they did together with the Revd Fr Simon Scott, members of the congregation, the Lord-Lieutenant of Sutherland Major General Patrick Marriott, Vice Lord-Lieutenant Kim Tulloch and Provost of Dornoch Paddy Murray. The Lord-Lieutenant presented Mr Dawson with his birthday card from the King and Queen Consort
Further celebrations were held the following day, the day of Mr Dawson's actual birthday.

Lieutenancy commissions presented - January 2023
On Friday 20 January, Lord-Lieutenant Major General Patrick Marriott was delighted to present Kim Tulloch with her commission as Vice Lord-Lieutenant (picutred left), and to present Dawn McKenzie with her commission as a Deputy Lieutenant (pictured right).

Brora Community Wreath laying - January 2023
On New Year's Day Deputy Lieutenant Dawn MacKenzie attended the community wreath-laying ceremony at the Clyne parish war memorial in Brora. The commemoration also marked the centenary of the unveiling of the war memorial on Christmas Day 1922. Approximately 150 people attended as the wreath, made by Faye Macleod, was laid by Elaine Smith and her children, Karl, Katie and Kyle (relatives of Mrs Thomas Matheson who originally unveiled the memorial in 1922) and piper Danny Parkin played from the top of the memorial clock tower. Also pictured is Dr Nick Lindsay, Chair of Friends of Clyne War Memorial.
Photograph: Friends of Clyne War Memorial

Westminster Abbey Carol Service - December 2022
On Thursday 15 December, members of the Royal Family attended a carol service at Westminster Abbey to recognise the selfless efforts of individuals, families and communities across the UK, and to celebrate and showcase the joy that human connection and togetherness can bring. Spearheaded by The Prince and Princess of Wales’ Royal Foundation, the service was dedicated to the late Queen Elizabeth II and the values she demonstrated throughout her life, including duty, empathy, faith, service, kindness, compassion and support for others.
The Lieutenancy team were delighted that representatives of the Sutherland community were able to attend the service. L to R: Tracie Drummond, Sandy Sutherland, Angela Sutherland, Morag Macdonald, Mairi Eastcroft, Sandra Armes-Harris. Also attending were Beverley Hill and Mary Drylie.

Presentation of Platinum Jubilee medals - December 2022
Congratulations to four of the superb team from the East Sutherland Rescue Association on receiving their Platinum Jubilee medals in Dornoch Cathedral. Between them they have over seventy years of voluntary service, an extraordinary figure by any standard. But these medals were awarded for more than “time spent”, though that certainly merits reward in itself. They were awarded “to reflect the courage of those who selflessly risk their lives at sea in the service of others”.
From L to R: Gareth Dixon, Antony Hope, Lord-Lieutenant Major General Patrick Marriott, Christine Graham and Neil Dalton.

Presentation of Long Service and Good Conduct medal - December 2022
In early December Sergeant (Retired) Stephen Menzies (late 17th/21st Lancers) was finally awarded his Long Service and Good Conduct medal by Lord-Lieutenant Patrick Marriott. Sgt Menzies had become eligible on 28th April 1993, shortly before he had retired from the army. After over a quarter of a century, this was a wrong properly righted. The Lord-Lieutenant thanks The Royal Lancers for their diligence and hard work in achieving this very just result.

VOSCARs - November 2022
The VOSCAR events, organised by Voluntary Groups Sutherland to celebrate and recognise the incredible volunteers throughout Sutherland, took place over three evenings in Rogart, Kinlochbervie and Armadale. The Lord-Lieutenant Major General Patrick Marriott presented certificates and congratulated all those recognised and involved. This was the first time that the VOSCARs had been awarded at multiple events across Sutherland. VOSCARs are awarded to individuals and groups whose volunteer work is nominated as being deserving of formal recognition. The Lord-Lieutenant is shown with the children of Tongue Primary School.
Major General Marriott commented: "It was extraordinary and very humbling. The selflessness, kindness and industry of those recognised was exceptional - and there will be many more folk who are equally amazing but who just didn’t catch the eye for whatever reason. It was as fine an example of “community spirit” that I have ever seen."

Sutherland Remembers - November 2022
Members of the Lieutenancy team attended many of the services that were held at war memorials throughout Sutherland in order that those who gave their lives in conflict and in the service of their country might be remembered.
Photos (top to bottom, left to right) - Lairg war memorial attended by Sheila Stewart DL, Ardgay war memorial attended by Christine Mackay DL, Bonar Bridge war memorial attended by Christine Mackay DL, Brora Remembrance parade attended by Dawn McKenzie DL, Dornoch Remembrance parade attended by Vice Lord-Lieutenant Kim Tulloch, Helmsdale Remembrance parade attended by Catriona Whitfield DL, Loth war memorial attended by Catriona Whitfield DL, Golspie Remembrance parade attended by Lord-Lieutenant Major General Patrick Marriott and Lochinver Remembrance parade attended by David Grant DL. In addition, Frances Gunn DL attended the Tongue Remembrance parade.
With thanks to Brian Adams, Louise Mackay, Durrant Macleod, David Richardson and IWM for the use of their photographs.

New Deputy Lieutenant appointed- November 2022
On 9 November Dawn McKenzie of Brora received her commission as a Deputy Lieutenant of the county of Sutherland. Dawn was Head Teacher of Brora Primary School and latterly cluster head of both Brora and Helmsdale Primary Schools. She recently retired after her 33-year career in education. Dawn is shown being congratulated on her appointment by Lord-Lieutenant Major General Patrick Marriott.
Dawn joins the lieutenancy team of Lord-Lieutenant Patrick Marriott, Vice Lord-Lieutenant Kim Tulloch and Deputy Lieutenants David Grant, Frances Gunn, Christine Mackay, Sheila Stewart and Catriona Whitfield. Dawn's first duty will be to attend the Brora parade and wreath laying on Remembrance Sunday.

Citizenship Ceremony - November 2022
On 3 November Deputy Lieutenant Christine Mackay attended the Citizenship Ceremony for Annika Linnea Andersson Adams from Ardgay. The Ceremony was led by Assistant Registrar Sara Krzyzanowski at the Highland Council offices in Dingwall. Annika and her husband, Mark, have lived in Ardgay for 15 years. Annika thanked those involved for a really special day "It was far beyond my expectations. Everyone made me feel really welcome, a day to remember."
The citizenship ceremony involves making an oath, or affirmation, of allegiance and a pledge promising to respect the rights, freedoms and laws of the UK. At the end of the ceremony the new citizen receives their certificate of British citizenship and a welcome pack.
Scottish Fire and Rescue Service Awards Ceremony - October 2022
On 6 October the Lord-Lieutenant, Major General Patrick Mariott, attended the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service Long Service Awards Ceremony at Clashmore. LSO Michael Humphreys welcomed everyone to the ceremony and an opening address was made by Interim Chief Officer Ross Haggart. ICO Haggart and the Lord-Lieutenant then presented a number of Long Service and Good Conduct medals (following 20 years service). A number of 30 and 40 year service clasps were also awarded at the ceremony. Major General Marriott spoke about three of the many extraordinary qualities that fire fighters possess - courage, professionalism and selflessness.
The Fire Service Long Service and Good Conduct Medal is awarded by the Monarch, to honour those who have rendered long and meritorious service as members of the Fire Services of the United Kingdom.

Loth War Memorial Centenary - October 2022
A service took place at Loth on Tuesday 11 October to mark the centenary of the dedication of the Loth War Memorial. Originally sited near the Loth school house on the main road, the memorial was moved to it's current site at the Loth burial ground in 2003.
Veterans from Helmsdale and Brora gathered together with residents from the parish of Loth and neighbouring parishes. The service was led by Rev Lorna Tunstall of Bunillidh and Clyne churches, a history of Loth war memorial was written and read by Esther McDonald, the exhortation was said by Catriona Whitfield DL who also laid flowers on behalf of the Lieutenancy and the parish, Mike Ellis read the names of the fallen and Stewart Bowman spoke the Kohima Epitaph.
Thank you to everyone who attended and to those who helped to curate and arrange the service.

Assynt Mountain Rescue Team to receive 'Tree of Trees' - October 2022
Assynt Mountain Rescue Team has been chosen as one of a nationwide network of over 300 inspiring charities and organisations as part of the living legacy from the Queen's Green Canopy 'Tree of Trees'. The 'Tree of Trees' stood tall as a message of hope, regeneration and optimism as part of the Platinum Jubilee weekend celebrations (pictured), the trees which made up the 'Tree of Trees' will now go to each of the chosen recipients for planting. The organisations, which were chosen in collaboration with Lord-Lieutenants, are said to “embody a spirit of selflessness and support with a purpose dedicated to the betterment of their communities, the environment and the nation".
Lord-Lieutenant for Sutherland, Major General Patrick Marriott commented “The Assynt Mountain Rescue Team was an obvious and very strong contender to be awarded a “tree of trees”. Serving both Sutherland and Caithness, they represent the very best of the volunteer ethos and have saved so many lives over the years. Given The Queen’s love of mountains too, this just felt entirely appropriate. I have spoken to Tim Hamlet, the current Team Leader, who is understandably thrilled that his team was selected."

Lairg War Memorial Centenary - September 2022
A service took place at Lairg on 30 September to mark the centenary of the unveiling of the Lairg War Memorial; the memorial was decorated with a fall of poppies made by friends from many places, near and far.
Piper Layla Dalton led in those attending, including relatives of those named on the memorial, members of Legion Scotland, members of the Lieutenancy team, representatives of local churches, local volunteers and many from the parish and further afield. The service was led by Sandy Sutherland of Lairg Christian Fellowship, with contributions from Rev Hilary Gardner, Jonathon Brett Young, Irene Grant, Sheila Stewart DL, Angela Sutherland and Rev Ben Fiddian.
The service was live streamed and a video is available through the Lairg Sutherland Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/1431004307203067/videos/655805399227662

Service of Remembrance for Queen Elizabeth II - September 2022
A service of remembrance to commemorate the life of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II took place at Dornoch Cathedral on Sunday 25 September. Rev Carol Anne Porter led the call to worship, prayers and readings were led by Lord-Lieutenant Major General Patrick Marriott, Jamie Stone MP, Rev Mary Stobo, Fr Derick McCulloch and Rev Alister McInnes; the Tribute was given by the Most Rev Mark Strange, Bishop of Moray, Ross and Caithness.
The service was live streamed and the video is now available through the Sutherland Presbytery Facebook page (the service begins at around 21:40 minutes in)

Marking the retirement of former Lord-Lieutenant Dr Monica Main - September 2022
A specially commissioned Highland Stoneware bowl was presented to former Lord-Lieutenant Dr Monica Main to mark her retirement from the Lieutenancy. Dr Main was Lord-Lieutenant for Sutherland for 17 years following her appointment in 2005.
Members of the Lieutenancy team, past and present, gathered for lunch to thank Dr Main for her service and to present her with the commemorative bowl.

Rogart War Memorial Centenary - September 2022
A service to mark the centenary of the Rogart Memorial took place on 24 September led by Rev Hilary Gardner of Lairg, with wreaths laid by the Royal British Legion Scotland Rogart branch, RBLS Creich & Kincardine branch, Deputy Lieutenant Sheila Stewart for the Lieutenancy, Rogart Community Council and Rogart Heritage Society (RHS). The names on the memorial were read by Raymond Ross of RHS, and small wooden crosses inscribed with the memorial names were placed by relatives and local children. Dr Alasdair B Mearns piped for the service and Rachel Allan read a history of war memorials.
Photograph by Ruwan Uduwerage-Perera.
The service was livestreamed and the video is now available on the Rogart Heritage Society Facebook page (service starts 3 minutes in) https://www.facebook.com/RogartHeritage/videos/630885958423179

State Funeral of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II - September 2022
The Lord-Lieutenant, along with all other Lord-Lieutenants from across the UK, attended the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II on Monday 19 September.
“It was a huge privilege to be invited. In just over twenty years I met The Queen eleven times and every time felt special. She had many gifts but, for me, her capacity to “think through others eyes” stands out”. It perhaps gives us a clue about her extraordinary capacity to bring people together, to create common purpose, to heal divisions. Her insight was extraordinary.”
“The massive crowds in London, to an extent, reflected this gift too. For just a few hours people from every walk of life, irrespective of race, colour or creed came together in the most watched spectacle in world history. There was a unique unity in the crowds; differences were put aside, petty bickering and division had no place. It was, I am certain, what The Queen would have wished.”

Piping of the Immortal Memory - September 2022
Sutherland joined Scotland's tribute to the Queen on the evening of Sunday 18 September, prior to the following day's state funeral, when Piper Willie Fraser played “The Immortal Memory” at Dornoch Cathedral Green.
A video of the playing of the lament is available on the Lieutenancy facebook page at -https://www.facebook.com/sutherlandlieutenancy/videos

Service of Thanksgiving at St Giles Cathedral, Edinburgh - September 2022
The Lord-Lieutenant, along with all the Lord-Lieutenants across Scotland, attended the Service of Thanksgiving at St Giles’ Cathedral on Monday 12 September.
“It was an extraordinary privilege to attend, as the King’s representative in Sutherland, such a remarkably moving and important service - so very perfectly enacted by the Church in Scotland. I was struck by the depth and strength of feeling that her sad death has so clearly generated. The unity on the streets was remarkable - a sense of coming together”.
“The many commentaries, the Thanksgiving Service and the crowds all showed The Queen's genuine love of Scotland; its beauty, its ways and, above all else, it’s people. Perhaps this love of Scotland was derived in part from what she had gained herself from our country: a love of nature - through her retreat at Balmoral; an intuitive hospitality - from its many welcomes; a deep sense of compassion - from its turbulent history. And there is so much more”.
“It was a day when Scotland gave of her best - as it farewell’d one of her own.”

Proclamation of the Accession of King Charles III - September 2022
On Saturday 10 2022 September King Charles III was formally proclaimed at the Accession Council, the Principal Proclamation was then made from St James's Palace.
The following day, the Proclamation was read at the Mercat Cross in Edinburgh and then in Inverness. Subsequently, the Proclamation was read at Cathedral Green in Dornoch by Chair of the Sutherland County Committee, Councillor Richard Gale, accompanied by the Lord-Lieutenant Major General Patrick Marriott.
A video of the Dornoch reading of the Proclamation is available on the Lieutenancy facebook page at -

Gardens of Remembrance, Books of Condolence, Services of Remembrance - September 2022
Across Sutherland in the days following the death of Her Majesty The Queen, Gardens of Remembrance and Books of Condolence were opened and communities held their own Services of Remembrance.
Photographs (top to bottom, left to right) - Lochinver Wreath laying (David Grant DL), Bonar Bridge wreath laying (Christine Mackay DL), Dornoch wreath laying (Lord Lieutenant Patrick Marriott), Dornoch wreath laying (Kim Tulloch DL), wreath laid at Brora Garden of Remembrance (Catriona Whitfield DL), Gladys McCulloch signing the Book of Condolence at Bonar Bridge, the Book of Condolence at Helmsdale, Golspie Service of Remembrance (organised by the RBLS Golspie and the Royal Naval Association) and the Melness Service of Remembrance (organised by the Far North Fellowship).

Wreath laying - Saturday 10 September
The Lord-Lieutenant and Deputy Lieutenants will be laying wreaths on behalf of King Charles III at the designated Gardens of Remembrance across the county on Saturday 10 September. They will be joined by representatives of the Community Councils and members of the Royal British Legion Scotland.
Locations and times as follows:
Dornoch, Dornoch Cathedral, 1000 hrs
Bettyhill, Bettyhill War Memorial, 1100 hrs
Bonar Bridge, Bonar Bridge War Memorial, 1100 hrs
Brora, Brora War Memorial, 1100 hrs
Golspie, Golspie War Memorial, 1100 hrs
Lochinver, Lochinver War Memorial, 1100 hrs
Members of the public are welcome to attend.

Queen Elizabeth II 1926 - 2022
Books of Condolence and memorial gardens
Following the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, The Highland Council have confirmed the locations for their physical books of condolence and gardens of remembrance across the region - https://www.highland.gov.uk/condolence Additional books have been arranged at Helmsdale and Lairg community centres, these will be ingathered with the Highland Council books at the end of the mourning period.
An online book is also available through the link above and also on the Royal Family website at www.royal.uk

Queen Elizabeth II 1926 - 2022
Statement by the Lord Lieutenant:
Her Majesty the Queen was the longest serving of any British Sovereign; throughout her seventy years as Queen she was an extraordinary and enduring example to her people. Her dedication,
service and compassion in both war and in peace marked her out as an exemplar. She was a symbol of stability to us all. Of her many gifts perhaps the greatest was her capacity to bring out the best in her people - whom she loved. She understood the need and time for joy and reflection.
My deepest condolences to all members of the Royal Family. Let us look back with gratitude to The Queen and look forward to offering our support and loyalty to The King.
God Save The King
Alexander Sutherland, Lord Strathnaver
The Lord-Lieutenant, on behalf of the Sutherland Lieutenancy, conveys deepest condolences to Alistair, Earl of Sutherland (Vice Lord-Lieutenant for Sutherland 1993-2017) and the Countess of Sutherland following the tragic death of their son Alexander Sutherland, Lord Strathnaver.
The Lieutenancy’s thoughts and prayers are with the whole Sutherland family at this difficult time.

Centenary of the dedication of the Golspie War Memorial - August 2022
The Lord-Lieutenant of Sutherland Major General Patrick Marriott spoke and laid a wreath at a ceremony to mark the centenary of the dedication of the Golspie War Memorial. After Major General Marriott had spoken of the history of the memorial, Pipe Major Erin Monaghan played a lament and a 2 minute silence was observed by those present, including both veterans and others from the village.
Ministers Eric Paterson and John Sterrett delivered a reading and led prayers before the RBLS Golspie President Major Alisdair Miller proposed a toast to those that fell.
Photo credit RBLS Golspie

Assynt Mountain Rescue Team awarded Jubilee Medals - August 2022
Lord-Lieutenant Major General Patrick Marriott presented 20 members of the Assynt Mountain Rescue Team with the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee medal during a family afternoon, held at the MRT base at Inchadamph. The 20 volunteers who received the medal have between them given over 230 years of service to mountain rescue. The Assynt Mountain Rescue volunteers provide 24 hour emergency support for search and rescue across Caithness and Sutherland, the current team leader is Tim Hamlet.
The Platinum Jubilee medal is being awarded to mark the Queen's Platinum Jubilee and as a token of the nation's thanks to serving members of the Armed Forces and the Police, Fire, Emergency and Prison Services, who have completed 5 years of service.

Ardgay War Memorial Centenary - August 2022
Deputy Lieutenant Christine Mackay attended the centenary commemorative service for the Kincardine War Memorial at Ardgay and laid a wreath on behalf of the Lieutenancy. Also attending were Deputy Lieutenant Sheila Stewart, Lt Col Colin Gilmour and other members of RBLS Creich & Kincardine Branch, Rev Darwin Smith, Rev Mary Stobo, Piper Angus Smith and many members of the community. The service included a re-dedication of the memorial, a reading of the names and an act of remembrance.
Following the service, refreshments were served in Ardgay Public Hall.
Photo credit Mark Foggin

Duke of Rothesay's visit to Rogart - August 2022
His Royal Highness Prince Charles Duke of Rothesay, accompanied by the Lord-Lieutenant of Sutherland Major General Patrick Marriott, visited Rogart to open the auction mart which has been refurbished as a music and cultural venue by the Rogart Development Trust with the support of a number of funders. The Prince met members of the Trust, members of the Lieutenancy team, members of the community and descendants of the mart’s founders. Entertainment was provided by accordionists from Monica Maclean’s Rogart Martistes, dancers from Rogart Primary School past and present, fiddle and accordion duo Eilidh Mackay and Georgie Maclennan, and singer Chrissie Allan.
After the opening of the Mart, the prince met local veterans as he visited Rogart’s war memorial in its' 100th anniversary year.

Lord-Lieutenant's retirement - July 2022
The Lieutenancy has announced that Dr Monica Main will retire as Lord-Lieutenant at the start of August after 17 years as the Queen’s representative in the county. In 2005 Dr Main became the first woman to be appointed Lord Lieutenant of Sutherland. The Lieutenancy team join the community in thanking Dr Main for her many years of service and wish her well in her retirement. The image shows Dr Main receiving her CVO (Commander of the Royal Victorian Order) at Holyrood Palace. The Royal Victorian Order recognises distinguished personal service to the Monarch and was awarded in recognition of Dr Main's service as Her Majesty's Lord-Lieutenant of Sutherland.
Dr Main will be succeeded by Major General Patrick Marriott who joined the Lieutenancy team as a Deputy Lieutenant in 2013, becoming Vice-Lord Lieutenant in 2021.

Dornoch War Memorial Centenary - June 2022
Lord-Lieutenant Dr Monica Main and Deputy Lieutenant Kim Tulloch joined Councillor Jim McGillivray in laying wreaths during a service of Commemoration and Rededication at the Dornoch War Memorial; the service was led by the Rev Currall.
Derrick McAskill played The Sands of Kuwait, a pipe tune commemorating the Gulf War service of the 1st Battalion Queen's Own Highlanders, prayers were said, and a two minute silence held as the fallen were remembered. Children from Dornoch's schools planted small wooden crosses for each of the 100 names on the memorial and the Historylinks Young Curators group told the story of the memorial.

Armed Forces Week flag raising - June 2022
On the Monday at the start of Armed Forces Week a number of members of the Lieutenancy team joined members of the Royal British Legion Scotland and veterans from the county in attending the raising of the Armed Forces Day flag at the Golspie war memorial. In addition the Lord-Lieutenant Dr Monica Main made a special Long Service Medal presentation on behalf of SSAFA (Sutherland) to mark Jonathan Brett Young's 30 years of service to SSAFA.
After the flag raising and presentation refreshments were provided by the Friends of Sutherland Veterans.

The Queen's Platinum Jubliee weekend - June 2022
The first weekend in June was the main Jubilee celebration weekend, marking 70 years since the Queen's Coronation, held on 2 June 1953 at Westminster Abbey in London.
Events celebrating the Jubilee were held throughout the county and included: the lighting of beacons, community meals, ceilidhs, tree-planting, walks, church services and fetes.
Photos (top to bottom, left to right):
- Community tea at Lairg, with Deputy Lieutenant Sheila Stewart
- Beacon lighting in Ardgay/ Bonar Bridge, photo credit Marc Foggin
- Tree planting at Bunillidh Church, Helmsdale, photo credit Bunillidh Church
- Sutherland Schools Pipe Band and Sutherland Caledonian Pipe Band playing at the Brora Jubilee Fete, photo credit Brora Primary School
- Vice Lord-Lieutenant Major General Patrick Marriott, Ali Ross and Winston the Bear fire the canon at the start of the Dornoch Street Party, photo credit Catherine MacCulloch
- Lord-Lieutenant Dr Monica Main planting one of 3 flowering cherry trees at the Scottish Episcopal Church in Brora.

Golspie welcomes refugees from Ukraine - May 2022
3 refugees from Ukraine have arrived in Golspie and are being hosted by Vice Lord-Lieutenant Major General Patrick Marriott and his family. Patrick commented that "The village and the community council have rallied around this incredibly. Offers have come in, between three or four calls a day, providing help in so many different ways. Whether it is lending of bicycles for transport, or offers of work.Offers of work, in fact, have been quite important as the girls want to pay something back. Not just paying us back, but paying the community back as well, so they are keen to work in the community and that is being arranged at the moment."
Mrs Marriott, secretary of Golspie Community Council observed "This is very much a community effort. We realise as a community council that if we can provide good support for refugees and, crucially, for hosting families as well, it would be better done on a community level."

Battle of Littleferry Memorial Dedication - April 2022
The dedication took place on 15 April 2022 of the memorial to those who fell, from both sides, during the Battle of Littleferry 1746. The Lord-Lieutenant, Dr Monica Main, laid a wreath on behalf of the Sutherland Lieutenancy, wreaths were also laid by the Royal British Legion and descendants of those who fought on both sides of the battle. Vice Lord-Lieutenant Major General Patrick Marriott initiated the idea of the memorial and battlefield trail, gathering a project team together which then took the idea forward.
Pipers from Sutherland Caledonian Pipe Band, Sutherland Schools Pipe Band and Tain Pipe Band played 'The Battle of Littleferry' written by SSPB Pipe Major April Sutherland, the dedication was given and Henrietta Marriott gave a moving speech on behalf of her husband.
Link: YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S5WGxaW5zgg
Link: BBC Out of Doors, at 1:12:16 - https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/m00167y9

Margaret Payne of Lochinver receiving her BEM - March 2022
Mrs Margaret Payne is shown receiving her BEM (British Empire Medal) from Vice Lord-Lieutenant Patrick Marriott at a lunch hosted by Mrs Margaret Vestey.
Mrs Payne was awarded her BEM in recognition of her community work, having raised almost £400,000 for NHS Charities Together and Highland Hospice during lockdown by climbing the equivalent height of Suilven on her stairs at home.

Helmsdale planting for the Queen's Green Canopy - March 2022
Deputy Lieutenant Catriona Whitfield is pictured with the Helmsdale Woodlanders planting native saplings in the New Marrel wood in the strath above Helmsdale. The saplings were donated as part of the Queen's Green Canopy (QGC) Jubilee Celebrations.
The Green Canopy is a unique tree planting initiative created to mark Her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee in 2022 which invites people from across the United Kingdom to “Plant a Tree for the Jubilee”. Further information is available at queensgreencanopy.org

Opening of the Community Bothy Ardgay - March 2022
Deputy Lieutenant Christine Mackay is pictured opening the Kyle of Sutherland Development Trust's new Community Bothy in Ardgay.
KoSDT manager David Watson gave a short address to invited guests, as did Ms Mackay and project manager Beverley Hill. The Community Larder will operate as a food larder and social space, helping to reduce food waste and support the community.

Remembrance Sunday 2021
Following the restricted events of 2020, the Lieutenancy team was able to join with our communities in marking Remembrance Sunday with services and parades at many memorials across the county in order that those who gave their lives in conflict might be remembered.
Photos: Deputy Lieutenant David Grant laying the wreath at the Assynt War Memorial in Lochinver. (L)
Deputy Lieutenant Christine Mackay laying the wreath at Creich War Memorial (Below L)
Deputy Lieutenant Kim Tulloch laying the wreath at Dornoch War Memorial (Below C)
Deputy Lieutenant Catriona Whitfield attending the service at Helmsdale War Memorial (BelowR)

150th anniversary of the Duke of Sutherland's railway - August 2021
Prince Charles, Duke of Rothesay paid a visit to Dunrobin Castle Station on Sunday to mark the 150th anniversary of the opening of the stretch of the North Highland line between Golspie and Helmsdale, originally opened on 16 May 1871.
The Lord Lieutenant Dr Monica Main greeted the His Royal Highness and presented the Earl of Sutherland, representatives of the railway industry and other guests to the Prince. A tour of the station was followed by a reception on the station's platform.

Armed Forces Day - June 2021
Armed Forces Day 2021 was marked in a quietly with a flag raising at both Drummuie and in Golspie. The Lieutenancy was represented by Vice Lord-Lieutenant Lt Col Colin Gilmour.

100th anniversary of Royal British Legion Scotland - June 2021
18 June marked the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Royal British Legion Scotland. The occasion was marked in Golspie by laying a wreath and toast to the founder, Field Marshall Haig, and to the next 100 years of RBLS.
Major Alisdair Miller laid the wreath on behalf of the RBLS Golspie branch and Kenny McAulay read out the toast on behalf of the Lord-Lieutenant.

100th anniversary of Rosehall War Memorial - June 2021
12 June saw a gathering of descendants of those named on the Rosehall War Memorial in order to mark the 100th anniversary of the Memorial's unveiling. The Rosehall Memorial was the first to be unveiled in Sutherland after WW1. Vice Lord-Lieutenant Lt Col Colin Gilmour welcomed everyone before Layla Dalton piped When the Battle’s O’er.
Wreaths were then laid on behalf of the Sutherland Lieutenancy by Lt Col Gilmour, on behalf of Creich & Kincardine branch of Legion Scotland by David Hannah and on behalf of the Lovat Scouts by Hermione Lee, whose great-great-grandfather Allan Gilmour is named on the memorial. As each name on the memorial was read, a small cross of remembrance was laid by either a family descendant or another of those assembled.

David Beaumont, Brora, 100th birthday - May 2021
In May this year David Beaumont celebrated his 100th birthday. Born in Invergordon Mr Beaumont has lived in Brora for 60 years. Mr Beaumont served with the 51st Highland Division which was forced to surrender after offering heroic resistance at St Valery-en-Caux in 1940. He eventually escaped after nearly five years in a PoW camp.
The photograph is of Mr & Mrs Beaumont with a piper from the Sutherland Schools Pipe Band and local members of the Royal British Legion Scotland who delivered a card to Mr Beaumont which celebrated both his and the Legion's 100 years. Mr Beaumont also received a 100th birthday card from Her Majesty the Queen.
Photograph: Kenny Mcaulay

Annie Baxendale, Dornoch, 100th birthday - May 2021
On Sunday 16 May Mrs Annie Baxendale celebrated her 100th Birthday at the Meadows Care Home in Dornoch recently with her daughter Mrs Kim Tulloch DL and her family.
Dr Monica Main the Lord-Lieutenant presented her with a card from the Queen and the Meadows provided canapés and musical entertainment.

Northern Pilgrims' Way launch event - May 2021
The Lord-Lieutenant Dr Main attended a service at St Duthus Church, Tain to dedicate and launch the Northern Pilgrims' Way. The event was restricted because of pandemic restrictions but the weather compensated with warm sunshine and blue skies.
The route re-establishes the medieval pilgrimage route between Tain and Kirkwall.
The image is the logo for the Northern Pilgrims' Way.

The Duke of Edinburgh 1921 - 2021
On 9 April 2021 Buckingham Palace announced the death of the Duke of Edinburgh:
"It is with deep sorrow that Her Majesty The Queen announces the death of her beloved husband, His Royal Highness The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. His Royal Highness passed away peacefully this morning at Windsor Castle. The Royal Family join with people around the world in mourning his loss."
Dr Main, Lord-Lieutenant of Sutherland said: "The death of His Royal Highness Prince Philip, The Duke of Edinburgh has been met with a sense of great sadness. On behalf of the Lieutenancy and the people of Sutherland, I extend our deepest sympathy to Her Majesty the Queen and to all members of the Royal Family."